Adnan Pecenkovic/ March 28, 2018

Make the right decision

Rent or Sell - Calculator

Is a real estate is not even used, arises the question whether the sale or the rent is the better option, to make a profit from the House or apartment. The comparison calculator helps in the decision-making process.

What values does the comparison calculator for rent or sale?

The sales value of a property can be easily obtained by means of opinion. It is more difficult, however, to find out whether the sale or the rental is more lucrative because many factors are incorporated. The calculator takes into account the following values:

  • anticipated increase in value,
  • monthly maintenance costs,
  • planned rent including Mietsteigerung,
  • possible current loans
  • etc.

So the comparison calculator calculates simply and quickly changes the assets stand at sale or rental. The real estate owner finds out at a glance, whether the rental brings in the long run more money than selling.

What advantages and disadvantages does the sale?

In residential areas with shortage of housing, such as the cities of Salzburg, Innsbruck and Vienna, real estate prices have grown over the past years in the double-digit range, with still rising. Who owns a property, can now sell it to enormous added value. The biggest advantage of this is obvious: the entire sum is on sale directly to available, which can be financed for example new investments without credit. In addition the ownership have been clarified, the seller must no longer take care of the maintenance of the building.

A disadvantage of the sale is the loss of value caused by the charges. A valuation will be determined by an expert, that can be expensive, the prices range between 1,500 and €3,000. The broker takes over this task, the value is usually free of charge. The energy performance certificate, which can cost up to €500 is also compulsory in Austria. Another cost factor can be the removal of third-party rights, also the brokerage must not necessarily be taken over by the buyer.

What advantages and disadvantages does the rent?

In Austria 10,000 apartments are needed in future every year in addition to the existing offer. Threatening a housing shortage. It is beneficial for landlords, rents can be raised still year after year, but a clear West-East divide is felt in Austria apart from the capital city. The rent is worth especially in Vorarlberg, Tyrol and Salzburg. The property rises in value and at the same time, there are monthly rental income.

An of the rent that the property owner is still responsible for maintenance however, disadvantage is that he must pay renovations, repairs to the House, local taxes, etc., which in turn reduces the rental income. Not to be neglected is also that tenants in Austria are very well protected, rents are not timely paid or there is dispute, that is no reason to terminate the contract.

Vermieten oder Verkaufen mit dem Rechner – Was ist die richtige Entscheidung?

Der Vermieten-Verkaufen-Vergleichsrechner liefert objektive Ergebnisse zu den finanziellen Erträgen der jeweiligen Varianten. Welche aber tatsächlich die beste ist, hängt auch von individuellen Gegebenheiten ab. Wird schnell viel Geld benötigt, ist ein Verkauf sicher die bessere Variante. Ist der Immobilienbesitzer jedoch nicht auf das Geld angewiesen, ist in Anbetracht der unsicheren wirtschaftlichen Lage und der schlechten Sparzinsen der österreichischen Banken von aktuell weniger als 1 % das Vermieten sicher die lukrativere Variante. Allerdings geht der Vermieter dadurch neue Pflichten ein, wie etwa die Vertragsverpflichtungen oder finanzielle Aufwendungen für die Instandhaltung.

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Beste Grüße

Ihr Ivica Petrovic, MBA

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